English Community Umeda Church is a big community composed of people who speak English (Philippines, Indonesians, Americans, Koreans, Singaporeans, Vietnamese, Africans…). We belong to multicultural Community. Even though our way as a community started ten years ago here in Umeda Church, we are cultivating step by step our sense of community.

Structure of the English community

General meeting

Once every two months

  1. To offer a space to dialogue and exchange information
  2. To walk together regardless of culture and nationality
  3. To deepen our sense of community

Liturgical team

Once every month

  1. To elaborate monthly liturgical schedule together
  2. To adjust the practiceof altar service, commentators, readers and music (Formation and study also)
  3. To help each other and think together about new ways to evangelize

General objectives

  1. To deepen the foundation of our identity as Christians
  2. To go deeper into our sense of community (international church)
  3. To deepen our spirituality and faith

Specific objectives

  1. To work together creating opportunity for dialogue with each other (general meeting)
  2. To respect each charism and the natural course of our community
  3. To look for new ways of evangelization
  4. To share responsibility every two years

New general meeting

  • Ordinary Community (3 members)
  • Liturgy (1 member)
  • Music ministry (1 member)
  • Sr. Claire Joseph
  • Fr. Carlos, Fr. Bradley
  • Couples For Christ (1 member)
  • ELIM (1 member)

Public relations group

We have created a website for the Umeda Church and be able to offer Streaming live mass on the Internet in times of Pandemic, to promote a sense of community, making use of digital and communication media. We want to offer other means for the Word of God to spread in a more current way to many believers and also to those who have not been baptized.

Even for those who have difficulties connecting to the Internet, we will be able to send the word through printed material. We are thinking of new ways more in line with the reality of our Parish to expand the church’s newsletter and important announcements.


  1. Use the media to transmit the love of God and the Word of God in evangelization.
  2. Make a information’s paper (interviews, important events and news…) to create awareness of belonging to the same community even if there are different cultures.
  3. Continue to improve the website of the parish.